You searched for: “more malleable
malleable (adjective), more malleable, most malleable
1. Pertaining to something that is capable of being shaped by being beaten or by pressure as with certain metals, such as silver: Ancient civilizations found gold to be malleable and often formed it into intricate figures, and even today gold is a very malleable metal and can be molded by pressure.
2. Descriptive of a metal having been beaten out into a thin plate: The antique tray receptacle in the museum appeared to be a piece of malleable silver.
3. Characterizing a person or something that can be influenced, adapted or fashioned to situations or mental challenges: As a teacher, Hans was always amazed at the malleable minds and personalities of his students.

The teachers were striving to develop a malleable plan that would serve to develop the "malleability" of the minds of their pupils.

Easily led or susceptible to charm.
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Easily persuaded  to do something.
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This entry is located in the following units: -ability (page 6) -able (page 25) malleo-, malle- + (page 1)
Word Entries at Get Words: “more malleable
1. Characterized by being fashioned, easily changed, or influenced to do something.
2. A reference to something that can be shaped by being beaten or pressured into a form; such as, some metals including silver, gold, platinum, etc. (2)